Introducing personalized support for pregnancy & birth after loss.

My approach.

Alexandra is a doula and certified perinatal (childbirth) educator who provides quality support for clients throughout pregnancy, birth, and the parental journey after loss. As a doula service provider, she assists clients by providing emotional support, guidance, and coaching.
As an educator, she provides instruction, information and resources to help clients navigate the complexities and emotions of birth after loss.

Alex believes in the power of relationship to strengthen and guide the support she provides.
She believes in building life-long relationships with her clients beyond the birth environment.

Find your customized support.

“Alex’s coaching and calming presence were invaluable and I believe to be a huge factor in my positive birth experience. I was extremely impressed with her knowledge, patience and compassion and will be forever grateful that she was my doula.”


The Blog

From Packing Your Bag to Cutting the Cord: A Step-by-Step Guide to Labour

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How to Afford a Doula by Thinking Creatively

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What is a Doula? Diving into the real reason why Doulas exist.

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Miscarriage: Our Story of Perinatal Loss

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